Welcome to Denver Writes

9th Annual Valentine’s Workshop and Fundraiser!

Our (second) favorite annual workshop is just around the corner on February 3rd! Sign up for this workshop here! Followed by our Valentine’s Fundraiser on February 10th at BookBar from 10 -2. As with previous years, you’ll be able to order a custom valentine made by one of our amazing writers! Sign up for this workshop

OnDenver Spotlight on Denver Writes

I was recently contacted by Libby from OnDenver, and she wanted to include Denver Writes in their weekly non-profit spotlight! I was nervous and uncomfortable at first, but after a while I really got into the interview and gave a good amount (maybe too much) of information. It is a little weird/surreal to watch/listen to myself —

Denver Writes Update

Hello Denver Writers! We’re overdue for a blog update, so here’s what’s going on in the world of Denver Writes! We are in the midst of a slight website refresh, which is why we haven’t updated new writing from workshops in a while (I have quite a bit of writing stockpiled and ready to go

September Volunteer Spotlight: Maryanna Brunkhorst

Each month, Denver Writes highlights phenomenal volunteers without which the work we do would not be possible. This is an opportunity to get to know them just a little bit better! Click here to find out about why Maryanna Brunkhorst wishes she could speak Portuguese and what she means about tasting life twice!