Welcome to Denver Writes

We get kids to write!

Our mission is to provide young writers in the Denver area with a supportive community and creative opportunities to express themselves through writing. We offer monthly workshops, intensive and expeditionary summer camps, and after school programs.

Artist Spotlight: Phoenix Miller

Artist Spotlight with Phoenix Miller An interview series designed to highlight the creativity, drive, and skill of the amazing students at Denver Writes, “Artist Spotlight” poses questions about writing and the writing life to authors age 8-15 and includes an excerpt from the author’s poem, story, play, comic, or essay—created in our studio at Back Space.

June Volunteer Spotlight: Casey Selover

Each month, Denver Writes highlights phenomenal volunteers without which the work we do would not be possible. This is an opportunity to get to know them just a little bit better! Click here to find out about which author Casey Selover would love to meet and her opinion on pens vs. pencils!

May Volunteer Spotlight: Erin Christian

Each month, Denver Writes highlights phenomenal volunteers without which the work we do would not be possible. This is an opportunity to get to know them just a little bit better! Click here to find out about the many talents of Erin Christian and what Stephen King once said to her face-to-face!

April Volunteer Spotlight: Tina Boogren

Each month, Denver Writes highlights phenomenal volunteers without which the work we do would not be possible. This is an opportunity to get to know them just a little bit better! Click here to find out what Tina Boogren has to say about Dave Eggers, J.D. Salinger, and having dinner with David Sedaris!

Artist Spotlight: Felix Hillhouse

Artist Spotlight with Felix Hillhouse An interview series designed to highlight the creativity, drive, and skill of the amazing students at Denver Writes, “Artist Spotlight” poses questions about writing and the writing life to authors age 8-15 and includes an excerpt from the author’s poem, story, play, comic, or essay—created in our studio at Back

March Volunteer Spotlight: Kevin Peterson

Each month, Denver Writes highlights phenomenal volunteers without which the work we do would not be possible. This is an opportunity to get to know them just a little bit better! Click here to find out more about Kevin Peterson and why, if he didn’t write, he’d go crazy!  

March Volunteer Spotlight: Peter Derk

Each month, Denver Writes highlights phenomenal volunteers without which the work we do would not be possible. This is an opportunity to get to know them just a little bit better! Click here to find out about Peter Derk’s dream to own an arcade machine someday. Preferably Robotron 2084. Preferably before the actual year 2084.

Artist Spotlight: Rowan Hillhouse

Artist Spotlight with Rowan Hillhouse An interview series designed to highlight the creativity, drive, and skill of the amazing students at Denver Writes, “Artist Spotlight” poses questions about writing and the writing life to authors age 8-15 and includes an excerpt from the author’s poem, story, play, comic, or essay—created in our studio at Back

Artist Spotlight: Tessa Hansen

Artist Spotlight with Tessa Hansen An interview series designed to highlight the creativity, drive, and skill of the amazing students at Denver Writes, “Artist Spotlight” poses questions about writing and the writing life to authors age 8-15 and includes an excerpt from the author’s poem, story, play, comic, or essay—created in our studio at Back